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Kelly Francisco

Operations Director

Kelly is KinÅ‚ichíi’nii (Red House Clan); born for Naakaii Dine’é (Mexican People Clan); Maternal grandfather is Tsi'naajinii (Black Streaked Wood People); Paternal grandfather is Naakaii Dine’é. Her family resides in St. Michaels, AZ. Kelly brings with her a diverse background spanning 10+ years working with non-profits. She is passionate about learning and sharing knowledge on: operations systems, finance, data and information systems, and strengthening relationships.


Kelly holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from University of New Mexico (UNM) and an Accounting Certificate from Central New Mexico Community College (CNM). She is a co-author of Native Americans and the University of New Mexico. During her time at UNM, she was very active with several Native student organizations including Kiva Club, which rooted her first experiences in community organizing, environmental justice, and social justice issues. Kelly is humbled to be a part of the Diné C.A.R.E team. This opportunity lights the way for her path back to Dinétah and to be of service to the People.

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